Xendee Tools

Load Builder

The Load Builder allows you to graphically construct a load profile for use in your projects. Several common load profiles are provided as suggested starting shapes, which can then be modified through a drag and drop interface and scaled to match your targeted site load.

Run Tool

Time Series Unstacker

This tool "unstacks" a series of time series data files, transposing the structure from one where each day is a row and each time reading a column, into a time series file with a single reading on each line.

Run Tool

HelioScope Converter

This tool ingests the standard HelioScope output file and converts it to a single-column time series performance file in kWac / kWdc nameplate.

Run Tool

Single to Double-Column Data Converter

This tool ingests time series data that has a single-column with each interval reading on a separate line and converts it into a two-column CSV file: the first column reports the date and time; the second column reports the interval reading.

Run Tool